Wednesday, July 15, 2009

There's a mozzie in my coffee!

Two words sum up our Quetico experience: mosquitos and rain. We arrived in Quetico under drizzling rain, which meant some organizing to get the tent up without getting it soaked. Fortunately we had a tarp that covered everything and kept most of it dry. It didn't help with the bugs though which made the experience completely miserable. The rain picked up during the night until it became a complete downpoar around 2am. While, thanks to the tarp, we didn't get wet, neither of us wanted to hang around this morning, especially since we were still getting showers. So, it was onward to Winnepeg.

We left the camp site just after 9, relieved to be protected from those blood-thirsty bugs. Today's route took us west across northern Ontario to the Minnesota border at Rainy River. From there we headed west and north across northern Minnesota back into Canada and north to Winnipeg arriving around 5:30. Highlights of the day included my first speeding ticket in 20 years, just outside Fort Francis, narrowly missing hitting a deer just after crossing the border back into Canada, and dinner at "The Forks" in Winnipeg. After last night's trial we are recovering at the Holiday Inn tonight, and will leave for Saskatoon tomorrow.

Trip Facts:
Number of TH stops: 7
Number of speeding tickets: 1

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Roger, you're really making me happy I didn't join you. The smell of rotting garbage just might beat out hungry misquitos and deer with a death wish. Looking foward to hearing all about prairie monotony. Hang in there, Graham! I empathize.
